Can you honestly put your hand up and say you never pretended to be a princess or a warrior, a racin
" I truly believe that learning should be fun especially for children. If we take the traditional form of learning and mix it up with...

Mieux q'un iPad + organisation au mieux Thoughts & Views & CEO News
Hello, Un de mes objectifs personnels en 2020 est de "s'organiser rigoureusement", c'est un travail en cours mais je suis heureux de dire...

Organisation & planning- Thoughts and views & CEO News
Hello, One of my personal goals in 2020 is to get "rigourously organised' it is a work in progress but I am pleased to say even 4 weeks...

January Newsletter - Happy New Year! Read on for free English learning tips, info about 2020 holiday
Hello ! The team here at KidooLand and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year! With the beginning of...

Mission & Valeurs 2020 - Thoughts and views and CEO news
Bonjour, Une nouvelle année a commencé - c'est la bienvenue ;-) Chez KidooLand, nous avons hâte de vous aider cette année. Je pense...

Mission & Values 2020 - Thoughts & Views and CEO news
Hello, A New Year has started - it is very welcome ;-) Here at KidooLand, we are looking forward to this New Year. I truly feel that we...