KidooLand Christmas Fair 02/12/2018: Lavender Seeds
KidooLand will be holding an inaugural Christmas Fair on Sunday 2nd December from 10h30 to 15h30!
KidooLand's traditional English Christmas Fair, will be full of activities for children, plenty of stands selling lots of different Christmas gifts and a variety of Christmas decorations. We also hope to be able to draw on the best of French Christmas culture by offering vin chaud for Mums and Dads and crepes for hungry tummies of any age!
Over the next 2-3 weeks, in the run up to our inaugural Christmas Fair, we'll be introducing you to our various partners. Next up is is Angela from Lavender Seeds.
Please let us know you are coming by SIGNING UP HERE - it helps us enormously for planning ;-)
Lavender Seeds
My name is Angela Collings, I am a qualified Captain and nurse. During my time working in luxury yachting, I became aware of our daily exposure to hundreds of chemicals and harmful substances that we are exposing ourselves to, in our daily care and cleaning products. In my search for natural alternatives, I found Young Living Essential Oils and Products. I visited their Farm and distillery in the Provence, and I became an Independent Distributor to share and show everyone these 100% pure Essential Oils and natural Products.
Come and experience Young Living Essential Oils and try the Products, make your own bath salt or your personalized Christmas gifts. We're running a mini workshop for Kids to make a felt heart or flower scented with essential oils.
Thank you that we can be part of this wonderful Event.
As mentioned above, this year, we will be using the KidooLand Christmas Fair to support the Mimosa charity. Mimosa was set up as a “kitchen-table charity” on the Riviera three years ago by a team of nine women who have all seen Cancer close up and who share the desire to help make a difference. They raise funds that are then distributed to the local cancer charities. You can listen to the KidooLand Director Antonia Beauvoisin interview Mimosa board members on her podcast HERE
Sunday 2nd December, add the date to your diary now! We look forward to seeing you there...