Living on the Cote d'Azur
Whether you have just arrived or have been here a while, finding trusted workman, the best hairdresser, medical contacts, information on schools etc can be a challenge!
The owners of KidooLand moved to France with young children in 2004 and have been building up their local info and experiences ever since. If they don't know the answer, they will definitly know who to ask!
For up to the minute tips from locals join our Facebook Group Living on the Cote d'Azur
Here are some of their top recommendations....
Check out our BLOG where we will be posting our latest finds in more detail ...
The KidooCommunity
Living on the Cote d'Azur

AngloInfo a local network resource for expats
Riviera Radio for local news and info in English
Trades Valbonne Facebook page for finding local workman
Carboot Valbonne for buying and selling private adverts.
English Carers, Teachers etc Facebook group
Working and setting up Cote d'Azur Team Cote d'Azur
Personal Assistant, Admin, Concierge

It can be daunting dealing with the French Administration process.
From buying a house to selling a car, starting a company, hiring home help you may need a helping hand along the way.
Due to personal recommendations, we are happy to suggest you contact ....